+49 (0) 2269-528 [email protected]

(International) Rebirthing Atemarbeit Trainings 2024/25

Conscious connected Energy Breathing – the Art of Breathing Life Energy

In individual personal breathing sessions your breath takes you into a state of profound physical and mental relaxation. In this inner world you then have access to your deep feelings, longings and hidden emotions, that might be blocking your aliveness. You are able to reflect, understand and change your life by changing your thoughts to a better, more harmonious and constructive fullfilling experience. You will be guided, and supported by your breathing Coach. Your breathing pattern will change over the course of 10 sessions to a fuller, deeper and conscious rhythm – Life Energy will flood your body.

Training levels

Level I

Basic Rebirthing/Breathwork and Spiritual Purification Training

Enhances your personal development and growth, to create more abundance, self love and happiness in your life and use the art of Rebirthing. Level 1 is aimed for all people who:

  • wish a happier, healthier and more authentic life
  • want to develop perfect self-acceptance and self-love
  • want to lead true, fulfilling and trusting loving relationships
  • are already happy and satisfied but feel something is slowing them down
    want to live in abundance at all levels: financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
  • dissolve breathing blockades and once again want to breathe deeply and fully
  • recognize and resolve limiting beliefs
Level II

Breath mastery

To help you build your professional success, to realize your dreams and goals, and to learn more skills to be a good Rebirther. Level 2 is aimed at all people who have already completed level 1 and:

  • want to deepen their own process
  • want to more successfully build their clientele
  • want to accompany other people through the Rebirthing process
  • already working as a coach, therapist, trainer or consultant and would like to better understand the concerns of their clients and accompany them even more effectively
  • are in a leadership position and want to motivate with more clarity, authenticity and with sensitive purposefulness
  • working as a midwife and want to accompany the pregnancy and birth process even better by integrating their own birth experience
Level III

Communication and Leadership

is designed to enhance your communication skill and reflect your life through nonviolent communication and to create support and spiritual community and become a leader in your field. Level 3 is aimed at all people who have already completed level 2 and:

  • to clarify accumulated questions from the level 1 & 2 on the basis of the “non-violent communication” in the depth
  • want to complete the training levels
  • would like to spend a wonderful time with authentic and open people in order to unfold their full potential

Level IV

Guiding 3 clients through 10 sessions

receive supervision while you are beginning your journey as a professional breathworker

Level V


be an assistent in a 9-day professional training

Level VI


5-day special advanced leadership training

with Irene Jove Baumann & Heike Strombach

to complete your 400 h of our RIBA professional Rebirthing breathwork training

approved by the GPBA

To use the breath in your personal life for your own inner healing and joy; to become a professional breathing guide & teacher, and to accompany a woman during pregnancy and childbirth for pregnant women, partners and professionals.

Training options for Level 1 – 3

Option I

3-week professional Training

 Level 1 – 3

plus 6 month supervision

Option II

3-week professional training

over 3 x 7-days

7-Day Basic Training Intensive Level 1 

7-Day Intensive Level 2:  Breath mastery Prerequisite:  Level 1 completed

7-day Training Level 3:  Communication and Leadership

6 months supervision after level 3 by online group coaching.

Option III

professional Training in weekends

complete Level 1 – 2 – 3 in 5 month

plus 6 month supervision

 Trainings, locations & dates 2024

9-day Basic Training for Rebirthing breathwork & spiritual Purification

in Wipperfürth, Germany   (also as  3- or 5-day Seminar available)   3rd – 11th October 24

In  Rishikesh, India      November 4th – 12th 2024

Breath Mastery      info by email     Complete level 2 – 3     by appointment 


Communication skills and professional success please ask when it is available



in Wipperfürth, Germany   (also as  3- or 5-day Seminar available)   3rd –  23rd October 24

In  Rishikesh, India     November 4th – 24th 2024

over 5 month

starting 3rd – 11th of October with a 9- day Training 

December 12th – 15th, 2024

 January 9th – 12th 

 February 20th – 23rd 2025





Join my travels and trainings. Exciting adventures while Training

Requirement: completed  5 Rebirthing breathwork sessions with me


in Wipperfürth, Germany   (also as  3- or 5-day Seminar available)   3. till 23. October 24

In  Rishikesh, India     Nov. 4th –  24th 2024

Special advanced leadership Training   6. – 11. of June 2025 on Menorca / Spain

with Irene Jove Baumann & Heike Strombach


Topics of the Trainings for Rebirthing breathwork:

The power of our thoughts: self-esteem / self-love – success – improving communication skills, technique of affirmations, mantra yoga – meaning and application, personal law, attaining higher order in life, healing of the unconscious death instinct, 15 biggis of human trauma, communication with the higher Self, counselling, goal clarification, setting and goal achievement.

Professional success: money and prosperity, success and joy at work, advertising, clientele creation / cooperation / competition / dependency / healing rivalry / Stress Management.

Healing the inner child

Physical immortality: complete health and wellbeing here and now.

Element air, conscious breathing (help with one’s own breathing process / leading breathing sessions / goals and special features of the first 10 breathing sessions / breathing analysis / breathing quality).

Element Earth: clarify our relationship with food, healthy living with exercise and good nutrition and regular fasting and silence.

Element fire: vision quest – vision search – purification of our energy body, inner contemplation and self-discovery, Panch Agni, fire ceremonies-

Element water: hot and cold water rebirthing

Love and relationships: Sing and laugh. Family constellation. Love, sexuality, partnership. Healing presence. Studied spiritual texts (Bible, Shiva Purana, Bhagavat Gita, etc.). Different spiritual healing methods.

The focus of our work is on
conscious energy breathing in individual breath sessions,
the training of breathing teachers according to Leonard Orr
targeted further training for specialists in pregnancy and obstetrics

Training content

Contains the exchange of individual breathing sessions

  • Introduction to Connected Breathing created by Leonard Orr
  • The physiology of the breath & why conscious breathing can make you happier
  • Breath-instructions and breath-awareness
  • How the birth experience affects relationships & the our whole life
  • The Owners manual

Mind mastery … or how to get rid of negative beliefs and make the mind your best friend!

  • Introduction to spiritual psychology after Leonard Orr: The 15 Biggies
  • The personal law: destructive beliefs about ourselves
  • How our subconscious shapes our reality
  • The key to happiness & abundance
  • Realize personal goals

how to use the power of the elements for spiritual purification

  • Air: special breathing exercises
  • Earth: Diet, Fasting & Exercise
  • Water: cold water rebirthing in the lake
  • Fire: Campfire & other possibilities
  • Ether: Energy work based on Reiki & Pranic Healing

Forgiveness, self-love and gratitude

… or how old injuries can help us get into shape

  • The Inner Child heals us!
  • Residual pain from birth, childhood & adolescence
  • Self-love: the foundation for happy relationships
  • Body awareness – breathing in front of the mirror

Becoming a breath-guide or how to professionally accompany Rebirthing Sessions

  • Ethics of a Rebirther
  • The energy cycle and what you should be aware of
  • Phenomenon during a breathing session and how to handle it
  • breath awareness
  • development of intuition and self-confidence in accompanying breathing sessions

The Prosperity Seminar
… or how to increase your happiness in all areas of your life

  • Poverty mind vs. Prosperity consciousness
  • How to build a clientele within 30 days (no matter what!)
  • What is my life’s task and mission?

The Ultimate Happiness / Health and physical immortality

  • how to free oneself from collective beliefs about sickness and death and keep your body young, vital and healthy.
  • Family and collective beliefs about life and death and their influences
  • Physical immortality: mistaken belief or health promoting philosophy?

The relationship carousel

  • What drives revenge?
  • The cure of guilt, shame, anger and rage
  • Trauma healing and senility
  • Family Constellation
  • Warm water Rebirthing

Leadership training

… or how to become a successful Rebirther

  • qualities of a leader
  • to hold lectures
  • Build community
  • Organize seminars

Lots of Sharing and caring for each other!

deepen your communication skills and professional success

  • Nonviolent communication skills
  • deepen your understanding of your own journey
  • supporting the birthing process and children
  • warm and cold water Rebirthing

certification will happen after successfully completing with 3 Clients through 10 sessions

In these trainings we use conscious energy breathing and spiritual purification with earth, fire, air and water – the physical aspects of the universal power – as well as the power of our thoughts to make our lives even more successful. Loving community supports our experience.

I have been steadily and reliably pursuing this path of self-experience and spiritual growth with the 4 elements for 26 years. Every training is always new and exciting.

Rebirthing is intuitive, connected and gentle breathing. The feeling of self-love, creativity, healing and inner peace is the result of a breathing session. These trainings are the cornerstone for a well-founded Rebirthing training, which was completed by many successful Rebirthers. It connects us with our intuition, love and our natural divinity. The techniques with the four elements heal and purify our energy body, and help every good Rebirther to increase his/her personal radiance, and is helpful to all spiritual seekers.

Program start of Saturdays: energetic cleansing with the 5 elements / Rebirthing breathing sessions in groups of three / sharing session & seminar on the mind and body mastery.

Many seminars are planned during the course. The personal experience and awareness of the healing effects of earth, fire, air and water, as Leonard Orr has learned from the immortal yogis in India, is an important focus. Seminar topics: on creative thinking, health and physical immortality, money and prosperity, responsible politics, successful self-employment, nonviolent communication and much more are based on the personal needs of the individual participants. Participation in Aarati (singing of mantras) is possible.

Training Investment

Seperate training level I / II / III

Level 1: 1397, – € plus accommodation / meals (also available  as 3- or 5-day seminars)
Level 2:  7-days  1008, – € plus accommodation / meals
Level 3: 1397, – € plus accommodation / meals

3-week training

21 days 3000, – € plus accommodation / meals

One Year Seminar for 10 weekends

3000, – € plus accommodation / meals


Trainingszentrum Rebirth International
Klaswipper 30
51688 Wipperfürth
Heike Strombach
[email protected]
+49 (0) 2269-528



In truth, simplicity and love.