Master-Rebirther/ Breathworker
& International Rebirthing-Breathwork Trainer of Rebirth International Breathwork association
The Breath of Life

Conscious connected energy-breathing – the art of breathing energy and air.
Rebirthing is intuitive, connected, and gentle breathing. The feeling of self-love and joy, more creativity, inner peace and healing is the result of a breathing session. The basic 9-day training is the foundation for a well-founded 3-week Rebirthing training, as it has been completed by many successful Rebirthers. It connects us with our intuition, love and our natural divinity. The techniques with the four elements heal and cleanse our energy body, and is helpful for every good coach to increase his/her personal charisma, and is helpful for all spiritual seekers.
In individual personal breathing sessions, the breath puts you in a state of deep physical and mental relaxation. In this inner world you then have access to deep feelings, longings and hidden emotions that might block your vitality. You will be able to better reflect, understand, master, and change your own life by transforming your thoughts for a better, more harmonious, and more constructively fulfilling experience of life. You will be guided and supported by your breathing coach. The breathing pattern will change over the course of 10 sessions to a fuller, deeper and more conscious rhythm – life energy will flood your body.
International Trainings
in Germany
professional Training
Level 1 – 3 over 5 month
starting with 9- day Training
3rd – 11th of October
December 12th – 15th 2024
January 9th – 12th 2025
February 20th – 23rd 2025
3-week professional Training
Rishikesh, India Nov 4th till 24th 2024
Incl. cold water rebirthing in the Ganges, visiting temples and participation in the Aarti, the ceremony of light, chanting and visiting the Maharishi temple.
regularly in Germany
3-week professional training
in Germany
3rd – 23rd October 2024
The breath and live center near Köln welcomes you for a transformational time!

Heike Strombach
This work takes me on a regular basis around the world. Since 1992 I have led countless trainings in the United States and around this beautiful planet.
In 1994 we founded the breath and life center Klaswipper and 1998 RBI Germany. My spiritual path has been taking me to many places that inspire me. In over ten visits to India I am amazed about the combination of holiness and uglyness that is unmatched in this world. I love this amazing place.
I practise daily the practises with air, earth, water and fire and am conscious of my thoughts more and more. The quality of my life has improved so much, I am deeply grateful for all.
What is Rebirthing?
To book individual breathwork-sessions with Heike Strombach call +49 (0) 2269 528 or write to [email protected]
Seminar Location
Trainingcentre Rebirth International
Klaswipper 30
51688 Wipperfürth
Heike Strombach
[email protected]
+49 (0) 2269-528
In truth, simplicity and love.