Special advanced Leadership Training
Heike Strombach and Irene Jove Baumann
6th till 11th June 2025
Location : Citadella, Menorca, Spain

Main topics of the training
Advanced Mind Mastery
Advanced Body Mastery
Building Spiritual Community
For WHOM is our training?
This training is for all who have completed the 3 week professional Rebirthing breathwork training or OYS with Rebirth International (RIBA)and are in the process of its certification:
- taking 3 people through ten sessions plus 18 h of supervision
- assisting a training, which will complete your Rebirthing training of 400 h in order to receive the RIBA certification supported by the GPBA (Global Professional Breathwork Alliance)
- Deepen your knowledge about Rebirthing Breathwork.
- Improve your breath awareness and technique deeply.
- Get better results with your clients and in your personal practice.
- Break your patterns towards prosperity as a Rebirthing professional
- Reach the next level in your business.
- Understand what Breathing and Mind Mastery is really about.
- Become a leader in your field of expertise.
- Become a community builder.
Experience together an overnight outside Vision Quest on the beach
Topics we will cover:
- Advanced Mind Mastery
- Advanced birth script seminar
- Personal goals: share your vision of dream life
- Understanding and using the archetypes of the collective unconscious
- Building Spiritual Community > Become a community builder and leader in your field of expertise
- Sharings & community celebrations / laughter Yoga / Questions and answers /Certification ceremony
- Advanced body mastery > Breathwork skills:
- Breathing inspection and supervision with special emphasis on challenging breathing patterns
- Breathing sessions exchange
- Breathwork session demonstration
- the Tibetan rites
Tuition 770€ plus 68 € accomodation in double rooms including food
More information call me
Heike Strombach +49 2269 528
or email me